Business Printers: Printing and Promotional Items for Business Business Printers: Printing and Promotional Items for Business

Serving businesses since 1997

CD Inlays with perforation

Perforated to make folding easy for spine display

4.625 x 5.9 in.

100# Gloss Text


CD Inserts

Slides into front of CD case (no spine)

4.75  x 4.75 in. one panel

4.75 x 9.5 in. two panels, half fold

4.75 x 14.225 in. three panel, tri fold

100# Gloss Text


DVD Inserts

7.1875  10.75 in.

100# Gloss Text


CD/DVD Mailers

Slides into front of CD case (no spine)

5.126  x 10 in. two panel

5.126 x 14.5625 in. three panels

14pt C2S Cover


Two panel mailer is folded and glued to form a sleeve, open end.


Three panel mailer adds a panel to fold over the open end of the mailer


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